Monday, June 25, 2007


Well, I think I finally figured out about comments on post. You have to actually choose post options to allow folks to leave comments. Thanks Dorcas for your help. This past week has been a whirlwind of activity for us. I picked up an extra day at work this week because we were short a nurse on the floor, Caleb had a baseball tournament all week so we've been at the baseball field every single night in the hot sun. I have to say Caleb's team did a great job but they get to do it again this week in another tournament, fortunately this ball field will be only 5 minutes away from our house, yeah!. I'll be posting some pictures from Caleb's baseball games soon. This picture was taken from last year's all star games.

1 comment:

LaDonna said...

I'm glad you finally figured this out so I could post a comment!! I love the photos of your family. Have a great time at the ballpark...better you than me. I just couldn't do it!