Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Camp Time

This summer has gone by so quickly for me. It started with baseball and that ended the 4th of July weekend. We had a houseful of company then, the next couple of weeks were Vacation Bible School and this week Caleb is at camp. Caleb went to his first church camp where he was going to stay for the entire week. It has been harder for me than for him, because I can't call and check on him. I had to call and ask my mom how it felt when I first went to church camp for the entire week and I was just a couple of months younger than Caleb. I hope he is sleeping well at night, being a team player, exhibiting a good attitude, all the things that mom's wish for. We are excited for him, he is staying in a cabin with 18 other boys, their counselor is having loads of fun I'm sure.

Next week starts the first day of school, I can't hardly believe it. It also brings a new school, new friends, new schedule and another adjustment to our daily lives. The good news is that Caleb will know alot of the kids that are at his new school, and he has already met his home room teacher and seems to like him alot.

This past weekend we were able to see an eagle. We had taken the boat out on the Ohio River with some friends and were crusin the Ohio, when we spotted the eagle. The kids all enjoyed seeing the eagle sitting up in the tree. The crows were all circling around it above the trees and Mr. Eagle just sat so patiently just watching and waiting. It was very relaxing enjoying the nature that God created along the river banks, the river itself is not so pretty but I'm amazed that as the boat cruises through the river it leaves this pure white path that comes from ugly brown water. It is kinda like God, he takes the all the ugliness that is in our lives and makes it so pure and white when we turn our life over to Him.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Happy Summer!