Thursday, April 17, 2008

Motorcycle Riding Time

Three of these fellows are Seeds of Abraham members, of course 1 of the 3 is Wayne.

This past weekend Wayne had a Seed of Abraham meeting and we were so encouraged to see Papaw. Several of you who've been reading my blog for awhile will remember that Papaw was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident last fall. He is doing so much better, his memory has improved dramatically. He was able to remember Caleb's code name for the club, and he also remembered about a motorcycle ride that the Seeds had ran a few years ago that others were having trouble remembering some details about.

A few of the guys were over at our house a couple of weekends ago and they all left on a motorcycle run together so of course I had to post some photos. I haven't been on the bike yet this year, still waiting for it to get a little bit warmer.
Look at the smoke roll, Michael T. is such a jokester, he even left a black mark on the driveway.

1 comment:

LaDonna said...

Are the guys still planning on riding the Dragon next month?